Noah Window

I approach windows as a sculptor. The Noah Window is based on the concept that window does not have to be flat. The story of Noah leaving home, to build an ark and journey in to the unknown provides the elements for this window. A waterfall of cascading glass moves from top to bottom with house nestled below. The 4’ ark perches at the top next to a winding cypress tree.

The window exterior is different than the window interior. Once I built the Noah Window, I knew the concept of a two sided window could be translated in to being a functioning window. I had the opportunity to build a two-sided window with “Redemption Window” for Hill-Murray Chapel.

Pat Benincasa

Pat Benincasa, is a first-generation Italian American woman, visual artist, art educator and podcaster. She has received national and international recognition for her work and been awarded National Percent for Art, and General Services Administration (GSA) Art In Architecture commissions. Her selected work is archived in the Minnesota Historical Society.

Kitchen Gate


F-Note #1 and #2