FTC in-btwn #9: My Artistic Approach to Prayer Beads

In this episode, Benincasa creatively explores the mystique of prayer beads and personal mantras for transformative meditation and moments of tranquility.

I was always curious about prayer beads, how they span across different cultures and religions and become a guide for focused meditation. So, I purchased sandalwood prayer beads. I like the look, feel and smell of them.  I researched prayer bead rituals, with all of their chants and Oms. The idea is to select a chant to say when placing each bead between finger and thumb.

I tried to stay within the confines of a single chant. But let’s face it, I ‘m ADD and it’s hard for me to stay within the confines of any one thing!  As days passed, the routine grew stale and disconnected, outside of myself.


I thought a lot about the purpose of prayer beads. Being raised Catholic, I know a little something about beads- Rosary beads, to be exact. The beautiful flow of Hail Mary’s to the Our Father, then back to the Hail Mary’s carries a rhythmic solace. It creates a mystical alchemy that blends words, tactility, spirit, and repetition that pulls one out of themselves toward a profound connection with the Divine.

I wanted that fluidity with my new beads and craved the possibility of a similar experience. In the meantime, having them in my pocket or on my wrist , they become a portable meditation - a tangible reminder of tranquility.  Now, I am an artist,  an admirer of the senses. I love what you can see, smell, hear and touch! Or maybe it’s my Mediterranean DNA, steeped in reverence for the physical world.

I decided to approach my prayer beads as I would any artistic endeavor, with trust in the idea and willingness to follow wherever it goes. In my work that meant working in glass, sheet metal, varnish stains, or whatever material suits the concept!

Yet, my prayer beads demanded a different kind of creativity, one that spoke directly to my heart.  Instead of one mantra, I write a “mantra” that I need to hear and say it for as long as I need to.  The mantras change as I change, and I love how a phrase or thought fragment provides spiritual currency to receive and give. Even if I don't quite understand the meaning of the phrase, like a work of art, I follow its trail to see where it goes. Here are some of my mantras:

“Fortify my spirit in the truth of who I am.”

“Make space for me in the quiet.”

“Blur the edge of my here and there.”

“In every breath gratitude”

If you were to make your own mantras: What do you need to hear? They don't have to make sense for anyone but you.

For me, the beauty of creating a mantra is that it infuses my prayer beads with deeper meaning.  They become a conduit of transformation and with each recitation, the beads feel re-purposed, resonating with the shifting currents of my daily life. Infused with the energy of my intentions, struggles & hopes, they become cherished companions on my spiritual path.

With prayer beads in hand, I find the sacred dance between the tangible and the intangible, the ordinary and the divine.  They are a gentle reminder to live in the moment with grace and gratitude.

Pat Benincasa

Pat Benincasa, is a first-generation Italian American woman, visual artist, art educator and podcaster. She has received national and international recognition for her work and been awarded National Percent for Art, and General Services Administration (GSA) Art In Architecture commissions. Her selected work is archived in the Minnesota Historical Society.


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